Tag: kidney stones

Tips To Keep Your Kidneys Free Of Stones

Anyone who has ever experienced the knife-like pain of passing a kidney stone vows to do everything to keep their kidneys free of stones in the future. Those lucky enough to have never had a stone, listen up, because these tips may save you from a whole world of hurt.

Whichever column you fit in to, it can’t “hurt” to do a quick review, or learn for the first time, how to avoid kidney stones.

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Easy Ways To Prevent Kidney Stones

If you or a loved one has ever passed a kidney stone, we don’t have to tell you how painful it is, or how helpless you feel. If it’s a first time event, you can be frightened out of your mind wondering what could be causing this horrible pain.  

Sadly, if you have one case, you are more susceptible to others. If they become recurring, you will do almost anything to prevent them.

Here are some easy ways to prevent kidney stones.

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